18 October 2008

The younger four

Well, almost. Technically A4 is younger than Zach, but he's here and she lives out east.

So...today I spent time with my younger four nieces and nephews. This morning I headed north to see Jake & Ava. Jake had his last soccer game and being the lame aunt I am I hadn't seen a one until today. Despite the temperatures it was a lot of fun to see the 5-year-olds out running around and trying to kick the ball. They did score, which surprised me, and Jake's team technically won.

After that Mom(she came along too) and I headed to the house to play with the kids for awhile and hang with K&J. It was a great time to see them again. And J and I agreed to run a 5K together next Saturday. God willing, it won't be as cold.

Then Mom had to go into work so I dropped her off at home and headed home. I picked up a few things and headed to Target to buy season 8 of CSI. Then down to L&R's to see Zach and Emmy.

L&R got a new flat screen TV and entertainment center (not the one L wanted, according to Zach) and so they have a 19" available for me if I want it. (I have a 13" from 1993 - there's is 19" from 1989 or 1986). So I headed down to pick it up and attend the church bazaar they had going.

I walked in the door and Zach says, "It's so nice to see you again." L & I exchanged a surprised look and I said, "It's a pleasure to see you again, nephew." What an odd child sometimes. He's such a good kid and often comes up with these things that I just don't expect.

But the kids were excited to see me and had a whole slew of plans for me...beginning with challenging me to several games on Wii.

Now, I've never played Wii before (I know, I'm so behind the times) so this was a challenge. We played baseball, Guitar Hero, fishing, tennis, some weird farmyard race (which was hysterical when I took on Emmy) and various other ones I can't remember. We had a blast though and were laughing so hard.

The bazaar was good - a typical Lutheran, farming community bazaar complete with full meal of lots of salads and mashed potatoes, turkey and pie. It was a good meal, though very starchy and carby for me.

We got home and played some more Wii and Zach played his trombone for me. For only learning about 6 weeks, he's doing great.

It was a great time today. I miss my nieces and nephews. I really need to see them more often, though I will say I get to see them more now than I did. Now I just need to get out East and see the other four.

1 comment:

Edith said...

I love the farmyard race on the Wii...we played that last Christmas with my niece and nephew...it was way too funny watching my parents play! Miss you and blessings on your upcoming week!