15 October 2008

Quick ramble

Driving to work today I realized that my most recent trip was probably my last vacation of the year. I don't really count my weekends up to the Cities because those are so commonplace anymore. But I'm kind of sad about that because it seems so soon - there are still 2 1/2 months left! Sheesh...But maybe I can convince J to come visit me or if he doesn't want to face the snow, maybe he'll save me from it for a long weekend again sometime this winter.

Getting back to work was okay. Tomorrow will be worse because my day is cram packed. I should have stayed at work later tonight but I need to start unpacking. I hate unpacking as much as I hate packing. Ugh.

Tomorrow is Boss' Day so I need to get to bed so I can get to the store in the AM and get Boss1 something. He's awesome and deserves some gift. :)

I'm not going to write a lot tonight. I think I've more than made up for it over the past few days.

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