31 October 2008

I'm tired.

I can't believe it's the end of October. This month flew by way too quickly. And yet I'm wishing for Sunday afternoon. Sheesh. I can't make up my mind about anything.

Plans are coming together for our weekend celebration at work. I met with our location vendor and did a walk through which really helped to stifle my fears and stress about everything. We'll see what happens with the other two who started it all last week and then left come back to work tomorrow. I can't wait. joy.

I'm realizing why I've felt like crap all week. I have NOT been eating right. I haven't had veggies in ages, my breakfasts are on the run and I'm out of raisins, my snacking has been crap food. This is not the way I want to be and yet I can't get off the merry-go-round (which has any one ever noticed that that's not such a merry thing to be on? I always end up nauseated.).

I'm hoping tomorrow will be better but I'm fearful. At least I can get a normal meal in for supper. Tonight I had popcorn and cookies. Ugh. Tomorrow will be better, right?

Now I'm going to go to bed because I can barely function.

Edited to add: But hey! This is my 500th post of the year! That's a whole lot of rambles.

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