29 October 2008

Pushing Daisies

I love Pushing Daisies. And moments ago was the best line.

Emerson Cod, the private investigator, is talking with a dog trainer who he's totally in to. He tells her it would end extremely bad between them and she kisses him. He says, "Didn't you hear what I just said?" And then it goes like this:

Narrator: It was the first time in the private investigator's life that he was told to...

Dog trainer clicker (which she uses to train and instruct her dogs)

Trainer: "Come."


And here's my beg: Please watch Pushing Daisies...or just turn your TV on from 7-8 Central time on Wednesdays to Pushing Daisies. There's some fear it may end soon because of dropping viewers, but it's oh.so.good! Please give it a chance! :)

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