22 October 2008

Link day!

So I know that today is picture day, but it's also Link Day in the land of Moe. It's not that I don't have anything to say - because today was a helluva day at work and I could totally vent a blogful if I was so inclined - but today I'm going to be good and just hold off for a little bit and give you some things that make me happy.

First: David Sedaris. David is hilarious. I love his writing and this one from the New Yorker just made me laugh. Dooce commented on this in her super red state, and since I live in one too (in a state that hasn't voted for a democratic candidate since 1964), I thought this was good.

Second: Made-to-order cereal. YAY! I love this concept even though the price is a little out of my budget. And I can eat oatmeal with ground up flaxseed with raisins and I feel pretty good. But I still love this idea.

Third: I wish this was in my area. I love this concept! Recycled Christmas Trees is such a great idea. Maybe someday it'll come this way.

Fourth: I'm totally going to do this next March. Of course, if people would just shut off the lights when the left the room, or use energy efficient light bulbs, or just recycle...maybe we wouldn't be so bad off.

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