17 October 2008

Sugar High

I don't know quite what's wrong with me. I have been so hungry lately. When I was with J last week, down in the heat and humidity that is the south, I was hardly ever hungry. I went from six mini-meals a day to two mid-size meals. I just wasn't hungry there. Thirsty, yes; but hungry? Not so much.

However, now that I'm back in the land of the cold, I find myself ravenous. I'm eating all the time again. I'm sure my body is just thinking, "Hello! It's about time you start storing up some fat for the winter, girl. It's freakin' cold here!" Of course it doesn't help that my apartment has been in the lower 60s (if not the 50s - I don't trust my temperature gauge) for the last two weeks. It was finally warmer this morning. At least I wasn't shivering when I got out of bed. I was when I went to bed last night - I laid as flat and still as I could until the sheets warmed up enough to adjust to sleep.

So this morning before 9 am I had had two waffles, a venti chai with protein, a diet mountain dew and two mini-boxes of raisins. Sheesh. Then for lunch I had my kung pao chicken, followed by Cheetos and cookies at 4 (along with another diet coke or two).

This is so not good. Thank goodness my eating plan gets back to normal Sunday. This is my fun time right now. I'm going to enjoy crappy food for a little longer and then get back to the yummy, healthy stuff like veggies and protein. Yum!

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