01 November 2008

NaBloPoMo theme

It's NaBloPoMo time! WOOHOO!!

I started this with the inaugural year which was, what, two years ago? Whatever. Last year I 'met' some awesome people and I'm still reading them today. It's been fabulous.

Last year, I had PIF projects which I desperately need to finish. I should be knitting right now. I'll start as soon as I finish this entry, or the next because it's been a talkative day.

So I'm writing every day again for a month. That's the goal of NaBloPoMo. Granted, I'm also part of Blog365 so I've been writing every day for the last 10 months (wow, I could have a kid in that timeframe). So writing one more month is no biggie.

I've been trying to come up with some theme. My blogfriend Kat is doing a give-away a day thing at her blog. Read the details here.

While I have a ton of crap I could/should give away, I am not prepared to do this.

So I'm going to do the $5 meal thing again. I'm thinking this for several reasons: 1) I never did pick a charity in September. Stupid stupid me. And 2) I really liked that project - tracking what I pay for lunch and then donating the excess to someone who needs it. That makes complete sense to me.

So I have $103.75 from September and I'm going to add to that this month. And I promise I will dedicate it's receiver before the end of the month this time.

Today I had a lunchable and soda even though I could have eaten for free, but my meeting schedule, which will be on the next post, was absolutely insane. But that was $3.50 so I have $1.50 to start the month off.

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