05 November 2008

Kat's fifth giveaway!

Kat's pleading the fifth! Or taking the fifth? ...or giving the fifth? I don't know.

Anyway, Kat's got an awesome giveaway today - of course I like it because I love calendars and planning things. I lament every day when people ask me about Boss1's calendar because he keeps his own, in a little book, in his pocket. "I have it right here, moe, all the time." That's great, sir, but I don't have it.

This giveaway is great because you can plan out, not just next year, but the next TWO years! This is almost as good as the porn I got in the mail yesterday (Sur La Table catalog).

So SIGN UP! Though I don't know why I keep convincing people to sign up when I keep losing, but hey, I like the competition. :)


KJ said...

Nothing like a little Sur La Table porn in the mail. Oh baby. =)

KJ said...

Moe, I just gave you an award and I swear it has nothing to do with the fact that you've been linking to me every single day.
