17 November 2008

Emotional week ahead

So I'm at a conference, as you know if you read my blog (which would be amazing considering how many posts I've been writing a day lately...sorry, i really should learn to condense...or just shut up).

The conference/refresher training for me is good. But it's heavy. We're talking about Sexual Assault - how to prevent it, and how to help those who survive it.

Neither of these is an easy task, especially when dealing with society's preconceptions about what a perpetrator looks like and how a victim should act.

It sucks. A lot of past memories and situations are exploding in my head and it's difficult to deal at times. But I'm working on it.

Before people freak...I have never been sexually assaulted, but I have had friends and relatives who have been and thinking about what they went through is hard to imagine.

That and thinking about dating again is an oxymoron if I do say so myself. I need to do the latter - for my own well-being and to stop living in my protective bubble. That's not helping me move on from my past, but sometimes I wonder if I should, if I deserve it. Do I deserve to be happy? I don't know. Sometimes I wonder.