30 March 2008

Sometimes things work out

So Happy Birthday to my Mom today. She turned 39, again. Amazing when she has a 43 year old son and a daughter older than that...

Anyway, let's see...a little run down of the day. I went to church this morning which was hilarious. Yeah, church isn't supposed to be funny. Sorry, but it was just a cluster this morning.

It all started with the Kyrie which was a new setting, which the leads to a new setting of the Hymn of Praise. Well...this setting of the HoP starts like our normal one we do all the time so as BigO started to sing he just launched into the regular version. and the organist, God bless him, launched into that version too (I'm not sure if this was out of habit or if he is that good that he grabbed the new version while BigO was vamping). Anyway, this was totally off from what was in the bulletin. BigO looked around with confusion (all while singing), he looked over to his associate and just shrugged his shoulders, then he started cracking up (though I give him credit for not bursting out into all out laughter like I could see was on his face).

Well we finished singing and he looked up, grinned and said, "I commend you all for your excellent memories. Let us pray." After church I complimented him on his great work and he said, "Well, you've had those moments I'm sure and you know you can't say 'Oh shit' at the altar." I said, "Well I said that in church once but I was in the basement so I think I'll still make it to heaven." He busted out laughing and wished me a good day.

There were some other moments too, like when the associate wanted us to sing a hymn after the Gospel since it read Anthem in the bulletin but the choir was nowhere to be found. So BigO had to step in and say that the choir was singing during communion so he could just continue with his sermon. Then his sermon had the "That was easy" Staples theme and at one point he joked with BigO about "having trouble writing a sermon?" and "Having trouble with your associate pastor?" to which BigO replied, "Not anymore" and we all laughed.

All in all a good day. I also got to see some of my surrogate parents from high school. Their son was in my younger older brother's class and their daughter was two years older than me. She and I played volleyball and basketball together.

Then I went home and waited for Mom to call me back with her decision on what she wanted to do for the afternoon. I knew she had a dance tonight at 7 and we had talked about going to lunch and then a movie. Well...my mom is notorious for not making decisions well. So finally after the 3rd phone call she asks me what I was going to do today and I said that all I have to do today is run. So she told me to go run and then she'd have a decision when I got back. Well, 90 minutes later she still didn't have a plan so I finally got fed up and told her I'd just come up.

Part of the conversation was giving her two options: 1) we could get together for dinner, my treat, before she had to go to the dance or 2) she could just spend time at home and I'd leave her alone. I mean it was her birthday so it's her choice.

Well she says, "You shouldn't have to take me to dinner."
so I said, "fine, have a great birthday."
"Well, now you're pissy."
"No, mom, I'm mad that every time I offer to take you out to eat you turn it around that I shouldn't have to take you out to eat. I'm not offering because I feel obligated to buy you dinner, I want to. But like I said, if you'd rather not, that's fine. I'm not going to be upset one way or the other."

She hemmed and hawed so finally I said, I'm coming up. I'll be there in 45 minutes.

We ended up having a good afternoon. We got subs at the local convenience store, ate 2 week old cake after I made her blow out the candles I had arranged into her age, and then played cribbage. It was fun.

And now I'm at home, surfing the blogs I read and trying to make a plan. More on the plan to come...

At least it was a good day. And despite my original plan of all of us getting together (and I still feel we should have done that) it turned out okay.

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