10 March 2008

Sometimes people don't really listen

The always fabulous Bethany wrote about birthdays today. She reminds me so much of me. I, too, hate surprise birthday parties - or any surprise party in general. I like to plan for others. I like to celebrate others but maybe it's my lack of self-esteem or something that makes me cringe when the spotlight comes on me.

Well, I thought maybe this year I would change that. A few of my friends have spent time in Europe - two of them in Denmark where if you wanted a birthday party you threw it yourself, with invitations, asking or not asking for presents, etc. I've always liked this concept. Then the party is what I would want, not what others think I would want.

So I (stupidly) told my sister that I was thinking of having a b-day party for me this year - since it's my double golden birthday and my golden year. But, in looking at my calendar, my birthday falls on a Thursday and the weekend following I have to work. So I thought about doing it Sunday after work, but the local theatre is showing an encore of the Met Opera production of La Boheme that afternoon. So I emailed my sister and told her that I decided not to have a party and to just forget it and to not even mention it because I didn't want mom to feel like she was obligated.

Well, my mistake was in trying to set up another family day (since I seem to be the family planner) and I thought it would be prudent to do it on the weekend where my BIL, Mom and SIL all have their b-days (seriously, they are all in a row). My sister decides to bring it up on Friday and in front of our mom says over and over that I'm the one who wants the party. Uh, no. I decided not to. I just thought it would be good if we all got together since otherwise it seems that we go months without seeing each other and that's not why I moved back here. I could have stayed in the cities if we're going to stick with that plan.

So now I'm on to damage control. I need to resend the email and see if we can get together for Easter instead and skip the whole b-day thing. And then not answer my phone or emails on my actual natal day.

I love my sister, but I really wish she would have just kept quiet. I hate making a big deal over my birthday but if it has to be done then I want it done on my terms. Maybe I'll just ditch and disappear for awhile.


KJ said...

Oh, man. Well, hope you can make your b-day whatever you want it to be...

Karen Elizabeth said...

I get it, the not wanting to make a big deal out of it. Last year I invited a bunch of people out to eat. I requested no gifts, and I didn't make invites or anything, just casually through word of mouth discussion...and it was great. Really great. It felt like my friends decided to get together and it just, by chance, happened to be my birthday.