29 September 2008

Venturing into unfamiliar territory

I made apple pie tonight.

As you know, I'm an expert at apple pie so this really isn't unfamiliar territory. In fact, it was quite delicious. I'm so damn good. I can't believe that three years ago I made my first pie and had no idea what I was really doing. Now, I have it down to a science, kind of like my chocolate chip cookies. I really don't even need a recipe anymore. I just know how to put it all together.

Well, I need a new challenge. So today I bought two pie pumpkins at the grocery store. I'm visiting a friend in a few weeks who hates apple pie. In fact he hates fruit pie in general, except for pumpkin (of which I reminded him it's a fruit too, but he said it's different).

So I need to learn how to make pumpkin pie. I don't do well with the can fruit (except for cherries...at least for right now). I want to make a true pumpkin pie so I've been scouring the internet for recipes and I think I've found The One.

Tomorrow night after supper with Mom I'm going to try this. I really need to try it before this weekend so I can have my taste-testers at work tell me how it is. Don't get me wrong, I do try my own baking, but it does help to have outside opinions. I did that originally with my apple and Aaron was so sweet in telling me the crust needed work. I have that figured out now too.

So wish me luck, and hopefully tomorrow night's pumpkin project won't be a total bust.

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