22 September 2008

$5 Day 22

The masses have spoken (no, my three readers, I'm not calling you massive).
I will continue my $5 lunch donation plan here for the rest of the month, and I've decided who I'm going to donate to once the month has finish, but I'm not going to tell until later. ;)

So today is a freebie day for me because, as is becoming a precedent, Keith bought lunch today after our workout/massage. We went to Starbucks, which our chai was quite lovely - I'm thinking it was the protein kick we added.

Anyway, I learned something interesting today that I'm not eating enough calories. This is curious because in one way I'm not surprised, but in another way I'm a little scared of upping what I eat. There's always the fear of becoming huge and I can't do that. I guess we'll see what he comes up with for how many calories I should be eating instead of what I am. :)

Exciting, no? hahaha

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