09 September 2008


So this new plan Keith has me on is very interesting. I don't want to go into all the details yet because if I don't stick with it then I'll feel like an idiot.

But because I'm a geek I'm going to talk food for awhile. For those who don't care, just stop reading here.

For breakfast I had scrambled eggs (one yolk and 4 whites) which I carried to work with me. I also incorporated more fruit today - grapes, peach, yogurt with fruit, grapes tonight. It's weird. I was really hungry this afternoon but I didn't bring enough with me. I didn't get home until late tonight (after 8) and so my supper consisted of a piece of cheese, edamame and some grapes. Yum!

Okay this is boring. Sorry. I don't have much to say today. Let me think for a moment and maybe I can come up with something better...

1 comment:

Sarah said...

It's always hard to get on a plan and stick with it but you can do it! I think the key for me is doing it for myself and loving myself enough to stick with it. I'll be praying for you!

I am trying to be better about eating more healthy foods and starting out the morning with eggs, toast, and fruit. The cereal isn't cutting it anymore and I find that I have a much better day when I start it out on a better note. Always with the battle!