24 September 2008

No remorse

I left work early today.

*gasp!* I know... I totally left at 5 instead of 5:30. Craziness! But it was great. I wanted to leave at 3:30 but suddenly work got in the way so I didn't get out until 5.

So I came home, changed clothes and prepped to run. I didn't get to run at noon since we had a lunch meeting and my whole day was meeting after meeting after meeting. I'm surprised I even sat at my desk for an hour.

The run was great, I will say. This was better than I think I've ever done...honestly! I ran 6.5 miles. For the first 6 I walked only once for one minute.

Wow...this is amazing for me. I'm usually walking a lot more. Truly Keith is a genius with the gait he taught me to use. It's totally helpful.

So my recap:
Mile 1: 11:26:68
Mile 2: 11:57:75
Mile 3: 11:48:72
Mile 4: 12:16:91 (I walked the first minute of this.)
Mile 5: 11:48:44
Mile 6: 11:59:87

Then I walked a minute, ran up two huge hills (which took a minute), walked another minute, then ran 3:30 to my house. So that was about 6:30 for my last half mile.

Totally awesome feeling when I was done. Mentally, not physically. My ankles and knees are sore, but that's nothing a little Ibuprofen and a Guinness can't fix.

Mentally, I'm totally stoked. I had no desire...well, no need to stop to walk. Even walking at mile 4 during my turn around almost wasn't worth it because my legs tightened up right as I started to walk. Once I got running again my muscles loosened up again and things were great.

My breathing was good, too. I never really felt out of breath like I have in the past. Of course, I'm not talking to anyone, nor am I singing, while I'm running. My breathing is really steady and controlled while I'm focusing on my arm position and my quads and shuffling.

What can I say? I'm a happy camper right now. And I'll be happier in a moment when I break into my Guinness.

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