20 September 2008

Things going through my head during my 8 mile run this morning

- 3 minute quarters. 3 minute quarters.
- Wow, these shorts are really chafing this year.
- I wonder if they make Vaseline in little packets like ketchup where I could take them with me to reapply during the marathon.
- That bike is cool. Maybe I should get a bike?
- 6 minute half's. 6 minute half's.
- 3 miles down...good job!
- Hills are fun...to go down, but what a bitch to go up.
- I should have worn my fuel belt.
- Maybe I should have Debbie bring me grapes at our first meeting point. That might be good. And orange slices at the second meeting...that would be good too.
- I hope it's cooler that morning. But it's good I went out now when it's warm just to be used to it in case.
- Com'on, Moe. 6 minute half's...you can do it!
- Thanks, lady! (That's to the sweet lady who told me I was doing a good job at mile 4. How nice!)
- The south side of town is really pretty. How did I forget that?
- I smell. Wow. I need to find a new technical shirt. This t-shirt isn't cutting it.
- Get big bandaids, Moe. Your boobs deserve it.
- I hope I'm sweating off oodles of weight because I'm feeling quite heavy right now.
- Navy Seal cadences are great but they suck at the same time.
- I need to trim my toenails.
- I really should have worn my fuel belt. I could use a little Accelerade right now.
- Wow, I really may need to consider Boss1's suggestion of taking up biking instead. Those people biking look like they are actually having fun.
- Which makes me miss JB when we'd ask every EMT guy last year if we could have his bike while we ran the marathon. They always said no. I don't understand why.
- Or maybe I just need to find someone to bike along side me while I run. That would be good. Dolly used to do that for me and it was quite helpful.
- 2 miles to go. It's sucking right now but you can do it. This is a Short run.
- I really need to tie my shoes looser.
- I wonder if I should get new, lighter shoes or would that mess up my stride?
- I really run slow. And my shadow looks funny - like I'm a penguin or something. Waddle, waddle, waddle...God, I hope I don't actually look like that.
- I'm never going to meet a guy this way.
- Okay, one more mile! You're almost there.
- ooo! There's a hill! Going dooooowwwnnnn!
- Oh, crap. Going up sucks, but I will say running up the hill is much better than walking up. It takes forever to get to the top if you walk it.
- I see home! YAY!
- Okay...your time isn't great but you're getting there.
- SHOWER TIME! I totally deserve it.

Mile 1:
Mile 2: 12:02
Mile 3: 12:45 (walked for a bit)
Mile 4: 13:06 (walked a bit more, and water break)
2 minute break
Mile 4 1/2: 7:13 (walked, following a kid with a remote control helicopter which was going everywhere...I didn't want to get hit so I waited for a break when he had it off to the right and I still almost got hit by it. Also took a brief water break.)
Mile 5: 6:56 (walked again...trying to remotivate myself here)
Mile 6: 12:49 (not great, but not bad - minor walking and observing of the tall skinny guy running)
Mile 7: 15:57 (was doing okay but got stopped by a lady who wanted to see my t-shirt, thinking she had the same one on. we used to go to the same gym, not that I knew her but there was a moment where she thought she knew me...totally jacked up my game and mindset, not to mention my time. And then later almost got hit by bikers who went to my left but so close to my left that if I had jerked every so slightly I would have hit them.)
3 minute break - threw away garbage from the trail and water break
Mile 8: 11:40 (it always helps when home is in sight...maybe I should set up a hat with a picture of my bed hanging from it so I have something to run to...kind of like when farmers would hold an apple in front of a donkey to get it to go...yeah, that's an idea)

Total for 8 miles: 109 minutes which is an 13:45 mile or so, which is doable and finishable for the marathon but if I could go a bit faster and more steadily I'd be better off. Of course my 2 minute break at mile 4 where I stood around instead of moving forward would benefit me better in the mile by moving forward. And that 3 minute break towards the end won't be a factor either. I'm pretty sure I won't have remote controlled helicopters or crazy women or have to worry about garbage on the trail to distract me. I do hope I'll have more of the nice lady cheering me on, and I know I will because Debbie is going to be there and so will SJ. YAY!

Now I just need to get and keep myself in the mind game.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

I'm so proud of you! 8 miles.. might not seem like an awesome thing to you but I would be dead around mile 2. I also love the commentary as you go. :)