22 November 2005

Can you smell it?

I made an actual apple pie last night – crust from scratch, peeled those apples, mixed it all up. TOO COOL! Too bad I won’t/can’t/shouldn’t eat it. I did smell it a lot…does that suck the flavor out of it? Because if so, there’s no flavor left in it then. It was a lot of fun to make. I felt very domestic. Too bad I’m not domesticated. :) I’ll have pictures sometime soon of it. If you want pictures now, buy me a digital camera.

Things are going well…winter is here and it’s okay. I’m starting to slump into melancholiness (is that a word?). I don’t think it’s the weather…just the holiday season. Ugh. And I love Christmas, it just doesn’t quite seem like it is Christmas yet (I know, I know – it’s not even Thanksgiving yet). Maybe I’m losing the excitement of the season now that I’m older. Maybe I’m just tired. I am planning to decorate the desk tomorrow afternoon – stockings for the kids, maybe a tree, lights of course. Maybe that’ll help get me into the spirit. I don’t know. I need to kiss a boy. There we go. I’ve said it. :)

OH one joyful thing – I can now pull my jeans off without unsnapping or unzipping…maybe time to shop, eh?

1 comment:

kendi said...

good for you for baking and not eating. i'm not so good at that part.

i bet you and others will notice a difference when you do buy new pants. when things fit, you just look better, even to yourself in your mirror. good incentive to get out there, huh?

by the way, do we have rooms at convo yet? or should i make hotel reservations?