15 November 2005


Mirrors suck. I have never been a fan of mirrors always feeling fat and ugly when looking at myself (the mirror adds 10 pounds! – oh wait, that’s cameras…well, same difference). At my gym, there are mirrors everywhere. usually I try to read something while I run or watch the tv, which can be detrimental to your health when you trip while watching, but last night both options were unavailable. So what do you look at? Do you watch the numbers increasing – both in calories, in time spent, in miles passed? Or do you people watch in the mirrors? I opted to watch the mirrors…and OH the things I saw! I sound like Dr. Seuss.

Glancing around, trying to be discreet,
I saw all shapes and sizes of people on their feet.
Some were skinny, some so not;
Some struggling to keep going,
Wanting desperately to stop.
Yet others were taking a ‘Sunday stroll’,
while daydreaming of a future trip to Big Bowl.
Still others were doing as I,
Watching the people as they passed on by.

Private exercise moments abound
As others glance at others around
Hoping to sneak a tiny, quick peek
To see if, as they feel strong, you feel weak.

One woman glides away watching,
On the elliptical, the skinny girls are taunting.
Her anger seems to seep from her pores
As the skinny ones saunter through the doors
A motivator, perhaps?
To encourage her to do more laps?

Over there are the leering men
(must be a girls gym – men out ranked 1 to 10)
They make no attempt to hide their looks, so hard,
From the girls in the short, tight leotards.
You’d think they’d try to hide it,
So they don’t look like total di.. idiots.

I, instead, watched my legs, jogging fast
As I ran to no where and no where at last.
The seemed to be so strong,
Even being short, not long.
My muscles tightened and stretched,
Bringing me off the bench.

I ran and I ran, and then I ran some more
Thank goodness I didn’t fall to the floor.
I stayed upright and breathed in my nose,
And then out my mouth like a little hose.
The breathing kept me steady
And soon I was ready
To stop.

But I just kept going, wanting to make my goal.
I made it and then some, like a little mole,
Digging their way out of the ground
And succeeding by leaps and bounds.

Okay I’m done with the poetry today…that’s really awful.

1 comment:

kendi said...

too late, i read it anyway :) i always watch oprah or pti on espn, it makes me think that i'm on a couch somewhere instead of on a treadmill. who am i kidding? like i could forget that i'm on a treadmill.