18 August 2008

A check in with Mondo Beyondo

Andrea reminded her readers (me, being one of many thousands) about our Mondo Beyondo themes for the year. I had totally spaced on this, but I'm happy to see that I'm actually doing pretty well.

Original post is here.

So, I'm slowly working on this, which makes me glad. Funny enough, I'm back on my declutter mode this weekend and organizing my papers. You should see the boxes of papers I need to shred, let alone the ones to recycle. It's insane. And I haven't even gotten to my storage yet, but I have to so I can find books for Jenna.

But today I finished going through box three and realized a lot of it can be shredded. I also organized my investment paperwork into a binder (not that I have even read any of it - I just AES a little too much maybe) and my bank stuff as well. I started adding my receipts into my spreadsheet so I can fix my budget for next year (i.e. buy less, especially online). And I'm feeling really good about it all.

I did take a bunch of clothes to Goodwill a couple weeks ago and I have more at mom's I need to take as well - not to mention more boxes of crap there. But she has room to store, whereas I don't, so I need to get my place picked up first.

I'm realizing that the marathon is going to be really rough this year - especially since I've been lack of a solid running buddy since, well all year, and I need to fix my focus on that. And my time may not be 5, but I can still finish.

I also realize that while I'm still single, I have better prospects on the horizon than I have in years and I'm excited about that. We'll see how they go, and if they don't, I'm still okay with that. If they do, I'll be elated.

And I'm working on the negative thoughts about myself. This one will probably be a constant struggle, but I will say recent conversations with friends have helped and focusing on the good I see in me is becoming a better trend in my life than just, "OMG I'm so fat." Instead, I see the toned parts of my body and how things fit and the amazingness of the body God gave me. I eat better (with the last three weeks as an exception) than I have in years. I'm healthier in that respect, and I'm working hard to be greener in other aspects of my life.

It's good it's only August. I have some work to continue, but a big thanks to Andrea for the reminder!

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