17 August 2008


Today was a great day. I got up at 7am (went to bed at 11:30 after chatting with a friend for a couple hours - we watched Phelps kick some Olympic butt again) after a great sleep. It was a little weird because I half woke up during the night 3 times but I felt really rested when I got up.

I headed to church which was nice. We sang "Be Thou My Vision" as the final hymn and I do like that one. Usually I stay until the very end, listening to the organist's postlude (as I was taught to do in seminary) but I had to get to work so I took off as soon as BTMV was concluded. Which also meant I didn't get to talk to Big O at all. Oh well...I'll catch up with him in a couple weeks.

I headed to work to facilitate a couple fitness tests that have to be completed. I ran along with Kim as she went out, and that was painful. I hadn't eaten yet - so I had nothing in my system to provide some energy. I didn't really stretch out very well. And I wasn't really wanting to run. Therefore, my right shin tightened up like a sphincter on ice. Not pleasant. I stopped to rub it out while Kim ran up to the turn-around. We did okay. I just realized that I have a long way to go. So I must run tomorrow AM.

I'm still working on my sleep schedule so after I got home a couple hours later (I had some other work to do too), I had lunch, talked with JB - which was awesome! Thanks for calling girl!; and then took a nap again. It wasn't a 3 1/2 hour this time...just 75 minutes. It felt good though.

When I got up I decided I needed to do some work in my apartment. I have a bad tendency to keep papers - articles from magazines, health and fitness articles especially; interesting stories; every receipt from everything I've ever purchased; and all mixed in with my important papers like dental forms and insurance and investments. Not cool.

So I started sorting through one of three boxes. I got through two today and my living room looks pathetic - but it's one of my super sweet traits (just ask my college boyfriend since I got him hooked on these): NLPs - Neat Little Piles.

My NLPs are nicely organized. I have one more box to go through tomorrow and then I need to file and file away. I need to go through my filing cabinet too so I can actually put these where they should be. That might help...a lot.

But that's been my day. It doesn't seem very productive, but I feel a lot better about me getting organized. I need to do this so when I'm at work I'm not thinking about the mess at home. My mess at work is getting fixed thanks to my co-worker, but this one is all on me. And I want to get this done before September hits. Because once that month begins, my life goes into warp speed. I'll have 5 weeks to a marathon, 6 weeks to a vacation (and I really don't want to be thinking about NLPs on that vacation), and a lot of work things coming up. I need to prep myself now so I can handle it then.

I hope you are having a great day, dear reader. More to come. wish me luck on my running tomorrow. :)

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