05 August 2008

Breaking all the rules

Well, at least a few of them.

So South Beach, which I'm kind of on - though I need to get back on it more seriously now that camp is over and I can actually eat food of my choosing not that of Levi and Gary who, let's face it, were a little scary - has a strict thing about sugar and white flour.

Basically...it's better if you don't eat it.

Unfortunately, I not only had white sugar and white flour tonight, I'm using both to bake cupcakes (rule 3 broken) for Boss1 (rule 4 broken) for his birthday (rule 5 broken) which will be celebrated with others (rule 6) and as a surprise (rule 7). Did I mention Casey is buying a bunny balloon (rule 8) to give him too?

Oh well. We were supposed to have our Wednesday meeting tomorrow so I had it all set up with Casey that I'd bring the cupcakes over early and she'd set them out for everyone with the bunny balloon (tied down to a squirt gun so he could shoot the bunny) and then it would be a surprise. So now, I have to go to Plan B (not the contraceptive).

So the man I admire is going to come over tomorrow AM before Boss1 heads to a different meeting to talk about a project they've been working on ("I heard something interesting that I want to talk to him about") and Casey is going to bring her boss over...all while I'm already in there with him talking about the 2 actual issues I need to discuss with him - sensitive issues at that.

I'll feign surprise (I'm an actor, I can do this) and then rejoice that the spirit moved me to bake cupcakes tonight for no apparent reason. I also have fun napkins and candles/matches so he can blow them out.

Yeah, he's not going to buy that I wasn't involved in this at all. In fact the man I admire and I figure we'll be out of a job by about 8 am. So we're going into business together. We're not sure what though...maybe we can start another company like our current one, just at a different location. :) yeah, right.

So, we'll see. I'm kind of having fun breaking the rules on this one but I know Boss1 will be embarrassed. We usually don't do anything for our birthdays in our office (not that it doesn't happen all over the building) but I think we'll just shut the door and no one really needs to know.

Hmmm. Yeah. Pray for me. I'm going to need it.

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