26 August 2008

Not a good start

Last night I crashed at 8:30, asleep by 8:45. It was insane. Getting a massage as intense as yesterday's and then driving 4 hours really sets up a gal for a desperate need of sleep.

This would have been great except I woke up at 2:30 feeling like shit. I don't know what triggered this. Of course yesterday I didn't eat very well. I had leftover popcorn for breakfast, a delicious calzone for lunch, and ice cream for supper. Yeah, I'm doing well with this whole diet thing. Oh and don't forget the 3 Musketeers bar. That was needed.

Anyway, so it took me 2 hours to fall back asleep all the while I wondered if I was going to have to call in sick, which would piss me off on so many levels: 1) I'd miss the 8 am meeting I came back for specifically, 2) I could have gone to see Nika last night instead, 3) I could have stayed in the cities and maybe caught up with a couple friends instead.

But I did fall asleep...around 4:30. Which was when I was going to get up to go running and I so should have. Instead I was out for almost 2 hours, making me late for work and missing my run this morning. And of course the one day that I miss my morning run Old Windy Winderson decides to blow his fool head off and so running outside today? SO not an option.

But I did start my nutrition intake spreadsheet. It's scary when you really start writing down what you eat. And then add in the calories, fat, carb, sugar and protein count and it's almost depressing. Of course I'm tallying all this crap up and I really don't know what Keith is going to do with it all. Am I eating right? Do I have enough protein? Too much sugar (yes)? Too many carbs (probably)? I don't know. I guess we'll find out.

So tomorrow am I have to run no matter what. And then I need to go again tomorrow afternoon. And somewhere in the middle I have to breathe.

1 comment:

Baritonality said...

well, hon, it's a start. You have a clear goal, you have motivators and you have the power to stay on track. Good luck.
I was working at the Mall of Death this weekend, but not that night. IT would have been fun running into you.
Have a great run, I hope today's is great.