13 August 2008

We're finished!!!

YAY! JDL and I totally kicked ass today. We were finished with our project by 2pm, edited it, then Tony helped us with keyline-ing (once I explained what that meant to him) and packaging the project. I made a PDF, emailed it to me, changed clothes and was on my way by 4.

This was totally awesome because I really didn't expect to get out of there until after 5 and even then I wasn't sure if the project would be done. I hate leaving projects unfinished. I had to do that last year because we were waiting on a letter from Judy which took forever, but this year Marty had it to me by 8am this morning. How incredible?!

So we were able to really get everything together in a timely manner. It helped that JDL did the DVD last week. And of course it helped even more that I stuck with the same format as last year for the other part of the project. So sadly the projects look fairly similar, but yet they're different. As my father used to say all the time, "It's like, but different."

What's funny is that this project is supposed to be for Mike and he didn't seem to really care how it was completed. In one way, the non-micromanager way, this was nice because there was a lot less pressure on content and design. But in another way, it felt a lot like he didn't care one iota what we did or if we even did it. (In fact, last week he told me he hoped I had recovered from camp and when I said I wasn't finished yet because I had 4 more days next week, he was surprised.) Oh well.

JDL and I are really proud of it. I'm a little less proud because last year was from scratch and really all my own work. But I am proud that I was able to do a team project, merging both our work together, and didn't once feel like hurting her. :) In fact, I was really comfortable with stepping aside and letting her do parts of it without me even there. Which was beneficial when Ward took me aside on a work matter that needed some assistance and I was gone for 45 minutes. Whoops. :)

Anyway, I drove home at 72 miles an hour laughing at all the minivans and SUVs speeding past me (and not just at 75, but some were going at least 85, if not 90). Apparently the gas issue that we've had the past few months didn't bother them. I get great gas mileage and I was so not in a rush.

I had one bad moment, which I'm just realizing I forgot to check when I got home. I had a total Bird Strike tonight. A hen (pheasant) started running across the road and I had no time to swerve out of the way so BAM! I looked back and feathers everywhere. The scary thing is that I don't really remember seeing a body fly anywhere so it could be stuck to my car right now, this very moment, rotting away in my garage. Joy. I'll check it in the morning. uffda.

Otherwise during the trip, as normal, I sang a lot and was very thankful when my friend from down south called me right as I was getting into a good scat with Ella. Normally this would tick me off but I had an hour left to drive and if I sang with Ella the rest of the way I would not be able to talk tomorrow. That may be questionable as it is since just before Ella I had been singing with Take 6 for about 90 minutes.

But our conversation was great. We're planning a trip for me to go visit him and we basically have the weekend planned with some fun activities - like an A&M game, a comedy show, fun with his nephew and sister, and just quality time together. It's been far too long since we've seen each other, so this is going to be great.

We're trying to work out the best way to buy the ticket though. I don't travel enough where I need the frequent flyer miles (though that may change in the future as I seem to keep traveling places) but we're checking on if we can use his flyer card but my money. Or if I just need to send him a check. :) Something...we'll work it out. We have time.

And now I need to get to sleep. *yawn* I'm back to work tomorrow and my morning is already booked solid. Sheesh...how does this happen? At least my Saturday project is now only 8 hours instead of 12...but that may change too. :)

No...don't think about it, Moe...just sleep.

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