07 August 2008


So now that I had the whiny post, here's the good and awesome things that happened today:

- My co-worker who's helping me with my office files these last three and for one more week is kicking ass on the project and it looks awesome! He has a pile of papers from my predecessor that I'm betting we can shred or recycle. I can't wait. There's nothing like purging a bunch of unneeded crap to make me feel awesome.

- Yes, I know there was a pun in that last line and that feels awesome too.

- A bunch of my projects that I needed to complete today I actually was able to complete.

- A form I had to turn into our finance office that was meant as a joke actually turned out to be legitimate and so I'm totally going to score a little bit more cash from last week's work trip. Craziness.

- I was able to talk the recycling guy into taking out my huge bin full of magazines and white paper. Thank goodness (because I get to sort through Boss1's tomorrow).

- I get to spend tomorrow night and all day Saturday with my niece, Emmy. YAY! We're going to pull a Bethany and paint bowls. I can't wait!

- To end Saturday night I'll get to hang out with Sarah and Karen. Double YAY! (and Triple yay if Eric is there too).

- I get to go to bed now.

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