27 August 2008

Alrighty then

So I made it this morning! YAY!

I did my usual slow awaken (where I snooze for 30 minutes), got up at 5, got dressed and went to run 2.75. It felt longer - as in distance, but it did feel really good to get out. No pain, and the first mile (plus a bit) was about 12:30 which pleased me. I even committed to going around the cool park in our town and running some city streets. I don't normally do this, but it felt okay. I did walk more than I wanted, but that will change.

I ran with my iPod today, which was a first in a long time. I need to check it though because I had loaded a bunch of new songs the other day but none of them played. It kind of pissed me off because I was really looking forward to them. So I need to resync tonight and see what's what. The music did help, I will say, especially since 5:30 in the morning is DARK now. A month ago I was wearing sunglasses but now I'm wearing my reflective gear so I wouldn't get hit.

I also ran with my mace. I know I probably don't need this since I ran into 2 people and a dog on the way, but I also ran where there were more street lights. My normal route is pretty dark so I guess I won't be running that this winter. More streets for me! I'll have to find some decent routes.

Eating today was pretty good until tonight. We were making some calls for one of our volunteer programs so I didn't get home until about 10 minutes ago. I can't eat this late because I have weird dreams and get upset tummy moments. Keith and I are still trying to figure out my normal caloric, carb and protein intake. Slowly...I'm getting there.

Oh and Baritonality - thanks for the vote of confidence. I needed that. Sorry I missed you this weekend. I'll be back on the 8th...booked in the am but could meet up before I head home if you're interested. Email me and let me know. :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good job!

Keep up the good work. My husband is currently training for a full 26.2 mile marathon in Greece. I don't know how you guys can do it! I hate running!