18 December 2008

Thirsty Thursday

Did I tell y'all how Deaner was such a sweetie this week and brought me Diet Coke with Splenda from all the way across the state for me because the stores in this area don't sell it? Did I? I didn't? Oh, I'm so stupid. Deaner did this for me as a huge favor for me and I am so stoked. I love Diet Coke with Splenda. It makes me oh so happy.

Today I got to have lunch with RA again. That was a lot of fun. We caught up on all the gossip and changes in our lives (it's been a month or so) and had some yummy food too.

I'm trying to tie up all my loose ends for Christmas. The family is scheduled to have our get-together on Sunday so I need to get all my gifts purchased and wrapped before then. Luckily I'm going pretty cheap this year. I think the most I spent was on my Godson out East because he at least asked for something that I know how to buy. I'm going to get books for my youngest nephew, Emmy & Zach are getting the Wii Mario Kart, and I'm not sure on my youngest niece.

And then there's the adorable Nika. I talked with K&E today and I think I'll be swinging the little MINI East and heading to see them over Christmas. But I haven't figured out what I'm going to get her yet! Not good. And Debbie is another one. I have a gift for her but that's from the marathon that I never got to her.

On top of all that, tomorrow is our holiday party at work when we usually exchange gifts. I really want to get my bosses gift cards for Sportsmans Warehouse because I know they will enjoy those, but I have to keep it at a certain limit (which is pretty pathetic honestly). I always feel cheap when I give them their $10 gift and they are giving me something awesome. Boss2 and his wife gave me a Tastefully Simple gift box with caramel, Brownie mix and Pound Cake mix.

So I'm making magnets for my bosses. Boss4 already has a set from a few years back, but Bosses 1-3 don't so they are drying and hopefully will be set and not fall apart tomorrow AM or I'm screwed.

I also attempted krumkake tonight but, as usual, the first batch of the year was a little rough. I got enough for RM and some to share, but not much. Oh well. I'll just have to make more.

I'm tired. I need to go to bed now because I have rambled enough. Sorry this was lame.

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