02 December 2008


This was today's horoscope for me:

You may be tired of your current work routine and are less likely to be concerned about fulfilling your obligations. Today you are busy dreaming about a more perfect life that's far off in the distance. Don't worry about how you're going to get there. Just enjoy the mental exercise and when you're finished daydreaming, come back to the present moment and do something that can make a real difference.

This was totally how I felt today. And it scares me a little. There's a temporary job opportunity that has been presented to my boss for me and I'm just not sure what to do about it. I was hoping Boss1 and I could have talked about it today but he had a conference all day so I barely saw him. When we spoke briefly this morning I thought he might bring it up...it looked like he wanted it to but then he decided not to.

It was probably just as well because I'm not ready to talk. I don't know what to do. I had offhandedly asked my family about it this weekend and I received adamant "no's" to the suggestion.

There are pros and cons to it and I need to sort those out because there's a deadline approaching and I'm nervous. There would be a lot to do if I did this, and a lot of flexibility required on my part in letting go of some of my current projects (or getting them finished) so I can move on temporarily.

We'll see. I'll sleep on it all tonight and I guess I'll just have to see what Boss1 says tomorrow.

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