11 April 2008


Okay, so that last post was a bit off as well. I will try to find something funny, but for now, here are some recaps from yesterday and today.

First, Happy Birthday Emmy! My niece turns 8 today. She's such a doll. Her party will be later so maybe I'll have some cute pictures then.

Last night, despite the crap and crappy weather (we had a blizzard yesterday), the girls at work decided (after much deliberation) that we were going to play Bunco anyway. Julie and I really, really wanted to play. See...maybe I should elaborate here.

We play every month during the school year. We play for money...which I'm not usually a gambler but this is too fun not to. We put in $5 each night. $2 goes for the night's winner; $3 goes into the pot for the end of the season winner(s). The pot supposedly is up to $135, but I want to recount the money...I think that's off. Anyway, so to determine the winners, both night and for the season, we keep track of points.

Well for the last 5 months, Jill and I have been neck and neck. Before last night the place order was Jill, me, Jen, Julie, Jessica and so on. Well, Jill and Jen were going out of town so they wanted to reschedule Bunco completely. Julie and I both protested because they didn't reschedule the night Julie had to miss before her wedding. So we decided to hold it. The jokes kept flying all day Wednesday that we were going to smash their scores and they kept saying we wouldn't have enough people and we'd have to cancel.

So yesterday with the bad weather, Julie and I kept debating. At one point we did cancel and then decided, screw it, we'd still have it. Well, we played and had fun. And despite me being distracted by Otter and getting pissed and having a very bad game (I was DAL in points last night), I still moved into first place.

So now the places are Me, Julie, Jill, Jessica, Jen. Woohoo! We had called Jen last night and said we were going to cancel Bunco for weather. Well then we decided to have it anyway so we sent her a picture with us all standing together with our score cards and Snake Eyes hat. She couldn't believe it.

Today was pretty uneventful. One section was interviewing for a new position, so there were lots of dressed up, stressed out people walking around. I finished my notes from the 2-day meeting earlier this week and put in a few choice comments like "Break time - group watched MJ's Thriller video to add levity to the situation". I sent it to Deaner for approval. He fixed very little, and actually left that in. I was pleased. At least my notes were only 12 pages and not 20 or 54 as my predecessor had.

There was also one moment of pie. SB and I have a standing joke when he calls. I have caller ID so when he calls I just answer, "Scott?" It freaked him out for a long time but now we have fun with it. Well today we got on the subject of pie - I think he sent me something and said, "Thanks for doing a great job." I replied, "Thanks for making my job easy as pie, and I know pie is easy because I make them all time." So we got on this pie topic and I think I promised him a complete pie or at least a piece which he promised to eat in front of me so I could see how well he appreciates it.

You know...if I didn't know the topic of that paragraph really was pie - like crust, flour, sugar, butter, etc. - that would really be a questionable paragraph...was she talking about sex? or pie?

And I got word back from Brookings and they can't refund my entry fee, but I can write them next year and get a free entry as long as I include the email the director sent. I really appreciated that. Hopefully I can keep on track next year since the new gym will be complete and I'll be going every day.

Okay...well, that's about it. How boring was that? :)

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