29 August 2005

days 26-28

Another weekend down full of crap. Well, not completely. I think I had salad last night and I seem to recall some celery in there somewhere. Otherwise I had some eggs, popsicles, and some sugar free candy – probably too much of the latter two. Oh well. Saturday I was walking around the apartment while I was cleaning and realized I just am not hungry on the weekends. No, hunger isn’t the issue – I’m just ‘snacky’. Even if I sit down and actually have a meal, I’m still snacky when I’m home. It sucks. One person I know calls it grazing…I used to graze but that was more when I’d pop a bag of popcorn or have a bag of chips open and eat one every time I walked by the table – so of course I would make an excuse to walk to and from the kitchen any second I could. But now I just snack…it’s so bad. I’m beginning to hate weekends. I need the consistency of a job – but Lord knows I can’t work 7 days a week. sheesh.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Okay...so you don't need a job on the weekend....just a fun, exciting social life :) Ok, ok, I'm not trying to poke fun....but I do know that when I am home and not doing anything I will 1)watch TV and that goes along with 2) snack. So....get out of the basement (or "Sarah's little cupboard under the stairs" as I like to call it) and HAVE SOME FUN. You can call your incredibly fun and good looking neighbors upstairs or any of your other friends and go play. OR, another good idea is to do something with your hands (esp if you're watching TV) so that you aren't focused on food/eating. May I suggest Paint By Number. I am currently a black belt in this specialty. Okay, peace out.