24 August 2005

day 23

Not bad for day 23, but I’m getting bored with the food again. Not a good sign. Good thing I’m planning to grill up some good chicken tonight, or maybe I’ll do my old cheese and bake recipe instead. I haven’t had that in awhile. but I guess I did forget to have supper – well, not necessarily forgot, I did have celery and pb but I had forgotten to pack something a little more-so nutritious per se since I wouldn’t have time to go home before my evening plans. Oh well. I did have almonds in my purse for intermission last night. That was at least one step better to greatness. Ha!

I need to find some better options of things to bring along for lunch and such though. Sometimes it’s hard with bringing a cooler everyday, you can’t do anything to elaborate and it all has to fit so I feel somewhat limited. Oh well…I’m rambling. My dearest tre and I made a pact on Sunday when we had had our ‘lunch of resolutions’ to work out more. We check up on each other daily in general, but we chat about this now too. I’m so proud of her for getting up this morning and walking! YAY TRE! I have plans to run again tonight. Gotta keep at it when I can. less than 3 weeks before fit testing.


kendi said...

i know that things can get monotonous. kudos to you for trying to find ways to make it work. generally i would run home for lunch both on internship and during senior year, so i'm no help with the 'bringing chilled food to work' thing. but i can say that i'm very proud of you and i hope that you feel this is worth it even though it can be a pain.

Anonymous said...

Monotony is the sponteniety of life. That makes no sense. Whatever.