21 February 2008


Three years ago today I gave into peer pressure and started this blog. And in the Moe fashion, I even had two entries that day. If you are sick and tired of reading my ramblings, talk to J-man. It's all his fault. Little did he know the can of worms he was opening with encouraging me to start this.

It's sometimes fun to look back, learning from my mistakes and trying to figure out from the past what the next step forward will be for me. Three years ago I was in the cities, trying to figure out my future and lamenting the singleness that was me. I was on eHarmony then and eventually was 'matched' up with a local pastor who turned out to be a jerk. If you say you're going to call, call. If you actually do try to make plans with a seminarian (and you're a pastor at a church of similar religion background) don't plan the next date during Holy Week and assume she'd be free just because you have no responsibility at your church. Wow...apparently I'm still a little bitter about that one. Oh well. I'm not with eHarmony anymore - evil rejectors - so I don't think I'll have that problem again. (knocking on wood)

This blog has opened up a lot of different avenues and places on the web for me. I've found other blogs - some I really like, some that aren't so great. I've found friends, if I can call them that, even though I've never met them (though someday I'd love to meet you: Kat, Bethany, Andrea, Cate, ericjay, Mtanga, others). But this has also been a great way for me to stay in contact with my friends around the globe.

That was the original purpose...though I'm not sure we ever stated it. A group of us were going to blog about our first years of call, while I stayed at the sem as the constant, and then we'd put together a book. We had a diverse group amongst our small circle and the book would have been really interesting. Unfortunately, as we got going we discovered we were too busy, too connected to the various calls, and just not as organized as we had hoped.

But that did lead me to writing and getting back into journaling of sorts. I don't write everything here for the reality of the fact this is public and a lot of my life doesn't need to be public - hell, I don't even tell my friends all the parts of my life. What I end up putting here are ramblings and pointed moments in my life I want to share with my friends whom I don't get to see near enough. The stuff I don't put here, well that's why phone calls and face-to-face encounters were designed.

Anyway...see I'm still rambling...the blog has been going for three years...hopefully I can keep this going for at least three more. (I'm open to topics if you'd like me to write better.)

1 comment:

Justin G said...

well i for one am happy that this "j-man" convinced you to blog- it is a blessing to read your ramblings....i enjoy the bitter ones!