Like I told Karen, I'm much more productive on Sundays for some reason. I'm not sure why, but when I can get my ass out of bed and get going in the morning I do really well.
Today I did 3 loads of laundry, swept and vacuumed the apartment, cleaned up a lot of crap (i.e. moved it to my storage area), did a little dusting, hung 4 posters (I'm waiting on one more and then I'll post my accomplishments with those), and made cookies.
*sigh* I'm feeling good. I really like when I can get things done. Hopefully tomorrow will go as well.
For now, I need some help. I have long hair which I've talked about once before. Well, I know it's partially the current weather, but my hair is really, really dry. Any tips?
And I'm kind of sick of the length. I also know I should post pictures but I can't bear to take pictures just yet. I'm thinking of sending them to Whoorl for Hair Thursdays but I'm not sure I can wait that long.
Does anyone have any suggestions? My hair is super straight, past my shoulders and most days I have it either in a make-shift bun or pulled back braided so it stays out of my face. I've thought about bangs but they can't be too long or too short (since I'll look like an idiot then).
If I feel up to it maybe I'll take a pic promises though.
Hey moe! This is when you splurge on a really good hairstylist. Find yourself a place like Juut or something, where the stylists charge by their experience. Go in early and go through the hairstyle mags, and flag five or so that you like. A good stylist will see what the underlying similarity is, and what will work on your hair. You should have something fun and flirty--you're young and a bun just isn't you. Unless you hold it up with a slide ruler and compasses or something funky like that.
lol. so after I posted about having all this work to do and no motivation to do it...well, I started working and by Sunday night I was all super-spastic hyper because I had gotten so much done. So I guess Sunday's are rather productive even if its only because the looming fear of Monday pushes me into action.
VO5 hot oil. I also have long straight hair. It's the only thing that does the trick in this weather. That, and drier sheets (but only if you want to smell downy fresh all day..)
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