14 January 2008

Singing with the O'Jays

Money money money Mo-ney...MONEY!

I've been meeting with a financial advisor as of late. This is a good thing since I'm no spring chicken...though I'm not really old either and I'm not completely inept with money. Anyway, I've been re-evaluating how I distribute my money and funds and Anthony has been helping a lot. It's great. I'm excited.

My hope is that someday I'll have a house, with a big kitchen, much like the Snake Charmer's Wife's kitchen. I love hers. I'm so jealous. I sit and look at toy catalogs (e.g. Crate&Barrel, Williams Sonoma, etc.) and pick out the things I "need", wishing I could get them now but knowing I should wait. Of course, to get the kitchen I want I'll be waiting for a few more years, so I might buy one or two of the toys before then. :)

Little by little my life is coming together (not that it was completely in pieces, but you know). I was thinking today about a conversation I had with a couple girls a few weeks back. One is 30 and has been married for 7 years already (no kids yet), we'll call her J1. The other is early early 20's, we'll call her J2, and was giving J1 a little bit o' crap about not having kids yet. I, on the other (more worldly) had said there's nothing wrong with them waiting. It's not like J1 is ancient yet. So then J2 turns it on me, "Are you dating anyone? Are you going to get married? Do you even want to?"

Ugh. It's bad enough I get this from my parent/family, but to get it from a wide eyed 20 something drives me nuts. So I told her that I'm not in a hurry to get married or even date, I'm not past my prime to do either and I might not even have kids. She was flabbergasted. How could someone not want kids? How could someone not want to be with someone else? Don't you get lonely?

That's the fear, isn't it? Being lonely. I am alone at times, but I also know I have awesome families - both natural and urban, kick-ass friends, and a great life. Yes, being with someone adds to it, but if it doesn't happen today, or tomorrow or this year, I'm not going to fall to pieces. Wait, how did FedEx Nick put it? "I'm alone, but I'm not lonely." That seems right. And if you are lonely, how is that really going to help you find someone to spend your life with? It seems desperate. I don't feel desperate to be with someone. I'm just me.

Yep, I'm just me. And will be a rich me, thanks to Anthony. Bwahahaha!

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