15 January 2008

A simple post with great things

  • I bought a shredder today! Let the meditativeness commence!
  • I got to go to work today! WOOHOO! I love my job!
  • I stirred the pot at work today, just call me a Pot Stirrer. We'll see if anything comes from it. (This is a bit of a long story...but for the betterment of the Earth - less paper waste, tis my goal).
  • I ran all my errands today - to include buying more yarn, going to Target, and getting groceries - in the space of an hour. And that includes driving time. I rock.
  • One year ago today I was getting settled in my new apartment (which seems to be a bit cold tonight, not sure why).
  • I hung one of my 5 new paintings [re: posters framed] yesterday. 4 more to go!
  • I'm now watching season 5 of Six Feet Under. This is a happy note and a sad one for the series will be over soon. BUT I love this show and will totally be watching this all over again.
  • And the best thing of all: I get to go back to work tomorrow!


Amy Adams said...

How do you go to Target in less than an hour? I fully believe that time runs differentially inside a Target, so that no matter how efficient you have been while inside the Target, outside an hour has passed.

CindaRu and Dustin Too! said...

Congratulations! It doesn't matter what it is, finishing up what you intend in less time than planned is a small victory every time.

kendi said...

maybe we should start watching 6 feet under; we need a show now that they are NO new shows on at all. remind me; do you own them or are they netflix? is borrowing them possible?