06 December 2007

Punch and Cookies?

Jen just gave me an idea.

Normally, I’m not real social in my office building. Often I feel a bit like an outsider just because I’m not in their particular section, and I work for the head man so I’m a little out anyway. But with my new furniture coming in tomorrow, and my plan to settle in and organize on Sunday and Monday, I could have a mini open house on Tuesday with cookies and punch. I have a cute pitcher I could put punch in and I make the best cookies ever and now with my work station I’ll have I could have everything laid out there. :)

Not that I want a bunch of people traipsing through my office all day next week, but that might be fun just to get it out of everyone’s system and open it up for people to come see all at once instead of dawdling in throughout the week.

Is that too cheesy? It’s just office furniture, so maybe that’s a bit much to have an open house. It could be fun though. hmmm

And I just realized I forgot to take before pictures. Whoops. You will get after pictures though. I promise!


Amy Adams said...

Hells to the yeah! Great idea. It's December--there should ALWAYS be cookies! Punch is a bonus. Office furniture? It's nice, I guess, but I'm here for the cookies!

Anonymous said...

I will also come over. Save me some cookies. VP