16 December 2007

Great day

Today I got to go to church at Central LC. I miss this church. Not only is it almost right up my alley theologically (except for the whole "covenant" and breaking the bread literally thing), but the music there is so incredible. This is not a church choir like any other. Somehow Mark, the director, and Jane, the associate director, pull together incredible and novice musicians to create a moving, musical, and spiritually sound worship service. It was really incredible. And my friends rocked the house with their solos and trio (with Roy). Love you both!

But I miss it. I miss singing with them. I miss being a part of that. My other friend (my date for church - YAY!) and I were talking after the service about our various enterprises we're both involved in. I'm not even going to go into everything he has going on, it's exhausting and amazing to think about. But he asked me how life was going down here and I told him how I love my job, but I really miss the life of the Cities. I miss the music, the theatre, my friends. But, as he wisely stated, at least I have a lifeline there. I have my Guthrie season tickets. I have Debbie, JB, Edith, these guys and countless others to keep me in touch with things happening there and to visit as I get opportunity.

What's sad is the opportunities to come up are less than what I'd like and the timing is limited when I do make it up. There are people I'd like to see but I can't always make it work. I do think about everyone and do miss you too! (E - thanks for the calendars!)

So anyway, my super quick trip this weekend was great. Too short though. I'm looking forward to June when Debbie and I are going to take our road trip to the Jake and to see the boys in Cincinnati. I can't wait. I'm adding to my goal list for the May marathon to get in shape for the Ohio trip. I want to look hot for the opera. How insane is that?

Well I'm off to do my self care. I have to start tonight so I can continue. Amy I like your ideas - yoga is on my list of things to find for the new year. There must be classes around here somewhere and my goal is to find them. That must feel great. Thanks for the tip!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi beautiful! I pray this finds you are doing well after your trip to the cities and sorry that I didn't get to see you :( BUT, I completely understand, especially with the end of the semester stuff on my end. Check out area churches in Sioux Falls that might offer yoga...I know the church where I do youth ministry at offers yoga on a weekly basis. Miss you and praying that you have a blessed Christmas! E