17 July 2008

I'm sinking

I love my job. We all know that, right? I really do. I really love my job.

But today, I feel like I'm sinking deeper and deeper in a hole and I'm scared I won't find my way out. I have so much filing and paperwork to do, CBTs to complete (DAMN CBTS!) and everything is just spiraling out of control.

I tried to stay late tonight and I did get through one set of filing I had to do, but as I was doing it I realized just how much I had to do for the other piles and I just felt like a weight was crushing down on my head and shoulders and I couldn't breathe.

So I left. Which wasn't what I should have done. I should have stayed and now I'm feeling guilty. I have to get things completed tomorrow. I have to work this weekend because I get my extra worker in next week and I have to get some things together for him so I don't look like an idiot when he shows up Tuesday.

Can I just say, Oy?


The one good thing - I had lunch today with my two mentors: Mungie Boy and Ronny. It was great. I love when we do this and we need to do it more often. That was a much needed break at noon.


Anonymous said...

Good luck with that. I hate filing-it's so mundane!

Glad to hear that you got a break--and probably got to vent a little bit, too!

~moe~ said...

I actually I didn't vent at all. But listening to those two men is very soothing and reassuring.