03 November 2007

I'm dreaming of a ...

I won't finish it because Heaven forbid we get snow anytime soon.

But here's my question today: What is the magic temperature when a person should turn on the heat?

I hate turning on my heat or AC until I absolutely have to because I hate paying high electric bills for one person. So I'm cold a lot of the time.

But I'm always cold. In summer my hands will be cold and my friends think I'm insane. And to turn on my heat for my apartment seems stupid too because I'm hardly ever here. I thought about this last night as I was curled up in my bed with the electric blanket on 7. I'm at my house maybe 5 hours tops during a normal day when I'm actually up and alert (most of the time it's 3). The rest of the time I'm sleeping or at work. So why mess with a high heating temp when I'm hardly here? By the time it would warm up I'd have to go to bed and to heat the apartment when I'm not in it (other than the electric blanketed bed) just seems silly.

So I think I'm going to set it fairly low this winter and see how it goes. And right now I'm not turning it on... even though I'm cold.

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