30 June 2009


Yeah, I've been missing on the Internet lately, I know. But truthfully, I haven't really missed the Internet.

Don't get me wrong, I miss writing and typing out my life everyday, but I also know that people here haven't really missed me. It's not like I'm getting emails or comments wondering where the hell I am. BUT that's not to say I want them now...please don't. If you did miss me, thanks. but don't tell me that now.

I'm kind of back...at least I will try to be back more. I have a quick recap from last week so here you go:

Tuesday we went to a local monument which is always moving for me. There's a lighting ceremony at nightfall and it always makes me feel patriotic and remember why I do what I do. It's a great experience and one I really don't mind repeating every year.

Wednesday we headed to the local AFB and toured their Air & Space museum. Very cool, for the most part...at least the static displays were neat. We hung out at the local pool that afternoon where I proceeded to burn my feet - the tops only, but it still sucked. The counselors took each other on in a volleyball game that night, but my arm was still hurting so I just took photos. Then MS called and so we talked through our future camping plans and how he took on an extra shift at work so was working 3 days in a row.

Thursday we went to the local VA home and did some skits for the residents. Then off to a water park for more swimming...here I proceeded to make my burn a wee bit worse but the water did feel great.

Friday we were finished and I drove home. It was a long drive, but I was very happy because I got to pick up some DC with Splenda from Target (YAY!) and stopped at Cabela's for something for MS and some shorts for me.

Saturday MS and I took the day off from working and went to look for eyeglasses for me. My insurance sucks though so MS wants me to do more checking before I order any. I really didn't want to wait but it doesn't hurt to keep looking. Then we went to the campground we're going to go to to find a good camping spot. I'm really excited about this upcoming trip but I'll talk about that later. Then MS and I took his motorcycle into town and went to see X-Men Origins. Of course MS is into the comic book motion pictures, and I'm not really, but I could get there. I just need to catch up. It was a good movie though - highly recommended. :)

Sunday we needed to catch up on work around the house so while MS started laying the next base row for the retaining wall, I mowed the lawn (3/4 acre) with a push mower, no less. Tons of fun, especially when I got a piece of grass or thistle in my eye and couldn't see. Then I sprayed all the thistles in the garden and when I finished I sat and looked cute while MS continued on the base row. Then I got to play "glue girl" and help glue down the bricks (for stability).

All that was fine and good until it was 4pm and my legs started to tingle...and I realized that while I was adamant about putting sunscreen on my arms and face and neck, I completely spaced on my legs...which are now a lobster shade and hurt like an SOB. Oh well...I should know better but apparently the heat is getting to me.

Monday I had to work so I did. And then I started my training to be a Victim Advocate for sexual assault victims. Yes, another training...more like a refresher but it's good to have. Today was the same.

So there's your catch up and the end of June. I'll try to do better in July, I promise. :)

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