12 May 2009

A nice evening

Okay...so I know I'm really far behind on my blogging. Bear with me, please!

Tonight was a great night. After work, despite the crappy weather, I headed home to change into other work clothes, picked up some chicken and headed to MS's. We were going to harvest rocks and finish putting in edging but since he had been working since 11 and it was 7 by the time I got there, that was a no go. We ended up having a nice evening meal, a game of cribbage and then falling asleep in front of the tv...you know. The usual. :)

It was an odd day though. I have not been motivated at work but at all. I don't know what's going on or where my mind is, but it's not good. I have so much to do but I don't know why I'm not focused! Help me focus!!!

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