19 April 2009

One of those days...

So today is my day with Nika and it's going okay. I wish she wasn't sick because she's so tired and doesn't want to nap. She so needs her sleep but it's killing me to hear her cry right now.

But up until now the day has been okay...well, ups and downs really. Nika and I get along great, until we have to get her dressed, or until she poops - twice, or until it's time to nap. We went to church to hear her daddy preach. That was fun. His parishoner's love her, so that's always helpful for me. (Until of course he publicly makes fun of my hatred of mushrooms and then pointed me out to the entire church while I was standing in the back with Nika...nice, thanks E).

But I got home and she was still sleeping from the car ride so I put her in her crib and headed to the bathroom. Sadly, the toilet is clogged or plugged or something because it overflowed a bit. I've been plunging away most of the day but I'm not sure it's fixed, because I went to K&E's bathroom in their room (I really had to go!) and that one kind of plugged up too - it didn't flush all the way at least. UGH! Just what I need - two broken toilets. Dammit.

And then of course Nika had to poop twice, so those are tied up in a plastic bag, because I had nowhere else to put them at this point. :( And she just won't sleep.

It's been one of those days so far. God help me, I now know why parents drink.

Oh, and the Indians lost. That doesn't help either. :(

1 comment:

KJ said...

Wow, sounds like an adventure.
Too bad about the plumbing problems... ugh.
Garett won't eat mushrooms either! He says that it says not to in the bible... which is the only thing in the bible he ever refers to, what a hypocrite!