I'm going through a training right now called Diversity Champions. This isn't a training just on how better work with my racially different brothers and sisters. This isn't just about how to be aware and understand other cultures. This has been a journey of getting to know me and build a team to understand that people DO come from different backgrounds and have different belief systems that can, will and does enhance the organization.
It's interesting and enlightening. Day one was emotionally draining. I was a mess. I don't like looking at the inner me because I think the inner me isn't where I want me to be yet. The day went through looking at what our goals are as individuals and how we need to better ourselves to be better for the team.
So last night we were supposed to set up our personal and professional goals. I opted for cribbage instead. I needed to decompress from the Lifeboat game and get out of my head for awhile. That probably wasn't the best choice in ways of the class, but it was the best thing for me...which helped me in the end.
I set up some goals with my coaches today (we're coaches for each other). Other than decluttering my office I couldn't come up with professional goals. I talked about this with MS Sunday a bit and he seemed to think I have some goals already set. I have some ideas, but I'm just not sure if they'll work or not. I need to look at those a bit more.
Personally, I had the standard lose 20lbs, get in shape, blah blah blah... but I took a page from one of my coaches and after this weekend I'm going to recommit myself to my running goals. I'm going to train fully. I'm not going to half ass it. I need to push forward. Part of that will be starting P90X with MS, running with Jeanne, and following a training plan.
The other part of my life I need to fix is to declutter my home. I know I've talked about this before, but this will be another recommittal. I realized part of my breakdown yesterday was because I feel so out of control with everything. And I know I have control, but I'm not grasping it like I should be, or can be. And when I come home and find papers everywhere, or a messy kitchen, or books and DVDs and everything everywhere, the chaos doesn't go away.
I have a lot of work ahead of me. I also put down I need to get a therapist. I've said this before too, but during the Lifeboat game I really realized I need to work out those issues I still have.
This is going to be a rough but productive year. :)
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