03 October 2005

military moments

I had a little Vietnam feeling this morning. Yesterday my officers and future officers had a little insider celebration for me…now, those of you who know me know I hate things directed toward me – even in a good way. Anyway, fl read a letter from r.j., an email from dave and then she and rc punched on my new stripes. Yay I’m a tech. sgt. now…well, officially on Nov. 1 but still. 9 years and I finally made it to tech. rc mentioned that we need to get me to nco academy so I can get the deserving promotion and make master soon. That would be nice. More respect, more pay, more stripes. Of course that goes with the more responsibility required too. It’s all good. After the punching of the stripes we had a little get together with cookies, peppermint patties and sunny d. ick, ick, and ick. But they sent the cookies home with me so they’re sitting at my desk today. (warning warning – illegal illegal).

But this woman, I’ve seen her before cut I’ve seen most everyone before since I do sit at this desk, came up and asked me some questions about the Lutheran and then I offered her a cookie (please take them, the smell is making me ill). She said what are these from. I said, “My other job had an office party yesterday and they sent them home with me.” She said, “What’s your other job?” I thought, do I even know you? But said, “I’m in the air guard.” “OH,” she says. “How do you feel about being a member right now?” I’m thinking, what are you talking about? How do I feel??!? I must have looked as dumbfounded as I thought because she went on to say, “Are you worried about being called up?” now several thoughts went through my mind, 1) lady, I don’t even know you and you’re asking me a personal question – at least in my mind it’s personal; 2) I just got back from 2 days of drill…what do you think I feel?; 3) besides that, it’s my job, if I get called, I get called – there’s nothing I can do about it and feeling anything isn’t really allowed; 4) I can’t express my feelings regarding this because it could lead to violation of the ucmj and I’d rather not risk it. BUT I said, “I don’t know…have a cookie.” She looked at me like I was a total bitch for not answering her but took her cookie and left.

I felt like it was a few years ago and we were having all the uproar with the tables from INViTE and the college republicans and everyone knew I was in the military so they kept asking my opinion and would get upset when I wouldn’t say anything. Ugh!

The Vietnam feeling came because I wondered what the men called up in the draft felt like when asked by their peers ‘how they felt’ regarding going over. There comes a point in your life when choices are limited and you just have to do the job you’re called to do. Not everything is hunkey-dorey or a bowl of cherries – there are tough moments in life where you just have to suck it up and do it. The other part of it all was I just didn’t know this woman, I probably wouldn’t even recognize her as an ls person on the street so what business is it of hers to even ask me that question. And of course I’m kicking myself for even bringing it up. Just keep your mouth shut sara…I have to learn that.

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