27 October 2005

day 87-26

YAY! another smiley for me. Having the afternoon off is beneficial for me. I went to Bally’s and actually lifted some today. It was great but made me realize just how out of shape I am. Kudos to me for drinking Crystal Lite all day – it’s an indulgence really since it tastes like Kool-aid but Keith said it was cool since I’m getting my water intake then. Considering I go through two nalgene’s during the day and then more when I get home, I’m doing pretty well. I should be drinking more, but at least I’ve cut back on the DC/splenda mix. Plan to run tonight. I’m liking this gym thing. And Jay said he’d help me again with workouts if I need. I have old ones but those were written after 2 hard core months working out with him. I tried one yesterday and though it wasn’t bad I shouldn’t be this sore – especially having had a massage 2 hours after. Something to work on, I guess. But then I always have something to work on.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

crystal light. next to the walkman and velcro, it is one of the coolest inventions of the twentieth century. and post-its.