14 October 2005

i'm so excited

“How excited are you, moe?” you might ask today as you see me grinning from ear to ear even though I’m stressed beyond belief at the pile of crap I must finish before noon. “Well, dear ------,” I reply, “I’m so excited I feel like my sister watching David Cassidy on the Partridge Family.”

Okay, no, really – that’s funny. Or maybe it’s just funny in my weird family.

So I’m so excited because I get to go to kandees, WI, today (pronounced k and e’s, get it?). yes I’m a dork, but I’m just so excited! YAY YAY YAY

Or maybe I’m just delirious. I was up late last night trying to figure out what to pack. I went to bed shaking my head because it shouldn’t have been THAT hard to pack for a weekend trip. Then I realized it on my way to work (late) this morning – the last time I went on a REAL LIVE vacation that didn’t involve guards, work or sd was Oct 2002 when I went to Tex-ass for heidi and mike’s wedding. I mean, I’ve been gone places – Dec 02 – Turkey, Guards; July 03 –Denver, LS; May 04 – Israel, Guards; Oct 04 – San Antonio, Guards; Feb 05 – Maryland, Guards; June 05 – WI, Guards; but now, finally, I’m taking a REAL LIVE vacation. (See, you have to put REAL LIVE in all caps because of the importance of the fact it is a REAL LIVE vacation – as opposed to a real dead one).

This is just sad though…why? Why has it taken me SO long to take a real vacation – no thoughts of work, no thoughts of guards, no thoughts of family…just me and my friends chillin' out maxin' relaxin' all cool and all shootin' some b-ball outside of the school (sorry, high school flashback). This just seems wrong – besides the fact I’m quoting that theme song (and the fact I still know it ALL word for word – what a sad commentary on my youth) – it shouldn’t have taken me this long to actually get away from it all.

Anyway, whatever the reason – workaholicism, insaneness, stupidity, whatever – I’m going to enjoy this weekend. (I just hope k and e do too!)

1 comment:

Leland said...

i applaud you!! my trip this september was one of the first ones i had taken in a long time that involved the opportunity to spend 100% of the time just being me. no need to be 'on'. no need to accomplish something. no need to report back to someone what i learned. just time to be me.

hooray for you and kandee.