18 October 2005


Five hours on the road twice this weekend. Once to Nashotah, once back to here. Both rides took me through a plethora of beauty. Bright reds, yellows, oranges, smattered amidst evergreens and plowed fields, ready for the winter. I was blessed to have perfect weather for both trips – bright sun overhead, igniting life and light within the forests – illuminating the colors so brightly it was breathtaking. I loved seeing the bright yellows, sparkling in the sunlight, glistening and shimmering with the wind. My favorite were the trees whose leaves were bright yellow close to the trunk and darker orange as they emerged – they looked like they were on fire. Other clumps of reds, yellows and oranges were surrounded by evergreens, making them look like bouquets with blossoms so bright and ready to be picked and passed on to a new love. It was just beautiful.

My whole weekend was fabulous. Kandees was remarkable. The trip itself was great – I haven’t had much opportunity over the past years to see the colors change. Generally my guard weekends fall the the first of the month, so the beginning of October everything still looks like summer, and by the first weekend in November, everything has fallen and is ready for winter. Seeing the colors was a great bonus.

The bestest part ever was spending oodles of time with k&e. they had a busy weekend – with moving and funerals and preaching and movie meetings and just icky meetings – for them to make time to spend with me was such a gift. I needed this trip away from work, just to regroup and to be able to spend that time with two people I love and a cat I adore was so incredible.

The weekend had its great memories: Sunday morning locks; “it’s like…dairy”; fish fry; boxes; the bunker; theo conversations; conversations in general; heads banging on the many lights; mice or gophers?; Hyde the protector; Marty’s; the hottie at Water Street; Fongs; Cardinals – woohoo!; drinking, and drinking, and drinking; “achoo”; “It’d be much cooler if you did”; duraflame baby; and well I know there are more, but I want to savor some myself. Not that any but k&e will get these anyway… :)

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