08 November 2006

Today I'm channeling Blondie

I’m singing “Call Me” in my head. (And yes, I know that makes no sense that I’d be singing in my head. You can’t sing in your head, you sing with your voice, but I hear voices in my head and they are singing. *sigh* I know I have a lot of problems.)

Last night, out of the fair blue sky – actually the sky was pitch black because the stupid daylight saving time is in effect and thus it’s dark at 4:30pm anymore – I received a phone call from a friend I haven’t heard from in a while. It was quite fun to chat, but I fear I talked a bit more than I intended. I really wanted to hear from him so my chatterbox mouth should have shut up, but it didn’t. To counter my horrendous act, I called my long-lost brother (whom I mentioned yesterday) and chatted with him for over an hour. Ah, such fun and so much better than internet conversations.

There’s something about hearing someone’s voice and talking straight forward with them. I wonder if this is a skill we’ve lost with the internet/email age. There is a great joy in writing, don’t get me wrong (why else would I have a blog), but hearing a voice and talking with them, hearing the inflections in their voice, not wondering if what they wrote was supposed to be funny or serious, that makes all the difference.

Note: I just received a copy of a compliment letter (not sure what else to call it) which was sent to the head of the institution where I work regarding me and this group a few weeks ago. Very sweet. Just goes to show you, writing is powerful, too, I guess. Maybe it’s just that we need to cultivate relationships and communicate with one another more.


Anonymous said...

okay, seriously? You're Avitar needs to go on What Not to Wear.

~moe~ said...

What? My avatar is a stylish gal.