10 November 2006

Some days people annoy me

Why is it that people feel the need to belittle you when you aren’t able to give them the information they want? Every year we receive desk calendars, essentially planners, for all the students. They come in two forms – big and little. Well, this year they came much later than they had planned (in fact – K, E and J – they don’t come until next week) and I have been told not to promise them to anyone because we won’t be getting as many as we usually do. (So, K, E and J – email me your preference – big or little? And the address where you want it sent.)

Well, a gentleman comes up from the bookstore where he was told they don’t have them anymore and to check with me. I explain we haven’t received them yet. He says when will you get them? So, trying to deter him because I’m not supposed to promise them to anyone, I say, I’m not sure, they haven’t notified us yet. He says, well they come in two sizes. And I say, yes, and we haven’t received either size yet. Well, when will they come in, he asks. Again I say, I’m not sure. And then here’s the kicker:

“So basically you can’t help me at all.”

Jerk. Look old man. I may not be able to help you, but you’re also asking for something free which costs other people money and would be keeping said materials from someone who is supposed to be receiving them. AND I’ve told you time and again the information I have, and if that isn’t good enough for you, take it up with the company sending them.

Oh and then he got mad again when he asked if I would call him when they come in and I said, sure IF we have any left. He gave me a nasty look, wrote down his name and number (which I can barely read) and left.
This wouldn’t be a big deal, but this is the fourth guy this week giving me crap like this. Hello! I can’t help the deliveries and I’m just a peon so when someone else tells me not to allow people to reserve copies then I have to follow their instructions or then I get yelled at by them, and I have to work with them! UGH!

And on top of that, I’m confused about what, if anything, I am in charge of. I’ve been getting emails and phone calls from two women lately who suddenly are on a power trip telling me what to do and the things they are telling me – for one, it’s none of her business, for the other, the kicker was the email where she said that our supervisor is trying to figure out the system for things. Yeah, no kidding…me, too. I thought it was established but now suddenly I have no say in anything. Yet another part of my job description hitting the dirt. I think I’m down to just the phones now – which is going to get boring in a hurry.

1 comment:

Amy said...

I'm not sure where I read about this - perhaps it was a blog - perhaps even yours - but what your situation reminds me of is the frustration many wait staff feel as they find themselves between cooks/management and the customer. I've been a waitress.

It's hard when you have to be the bearer and the enforcer, but no input on what should be enforced.

(I feel like I should put one of those encouraging statements that always ring false for me here - but, since they annoy me, I'll refrain.)