23 September 2005

reality. it's an interesting thing.

Talk about a reality check…today I have been at LS for 3 years as a full-time worker. It seems odd. In some ways I feel as if I have been here forever; in others, it’s like I just began. Oh well. CAH and I are going out for lunch, then I get to open my ‘anniversary present’. I had to pick out what I wanted, so I got a globe. I’ve always wanted a desk globe so I thought why not. It was that or Waterford crystal and I just not a Waterford crystal kind of girl.

Yesterday I went clothes shopping and somewhat successfully. 4 pairs of new pants, 2 sweaters, 2 shirts, new shoes (that don’t clip-clop like my others, well not as bad at least) and 3 pairs of socks for under $200. Not bad really. I needed to get some new clothes. My pants were looking ‘sloppy’ since they were ‘too big’ – comfortable though. :) I’m pleased with my choices, plus the good deals I found. I’m tempted to go get more but I hesitate to do that just yet. My bank account may not be able to survive the beating.

Last night, having come off the high of the CSI premiere (and lamenting that “Warrick” is now married) and seeing my favorite singer in a new Drama (Mandy Patinkin in Criminal Minds), I was having some trouble falling asleep. It was late for me – 11pm. I had read another chapter in Pride and Prejudice, one of my favorites – I was just at the point where Mr. Darcy had proclaimed his love for Elizabeth and she had turned him down…just to the letter her wrote her to explain his actions with Mr. Wickham. I laid down and tried to shut my mind off to sleep. I had my window open and I was thinking how weird it would be to hear something ‘criminal’ at night – it was a still, cold night and I’ve been watching way too much CSI lately – when suddenly I hear a woman yelling obscenities and a gun shot. The block went silent. Then I heard my neighbors moving around upstairs. I wait for a moment and call them. Apparently several other neighbors had called 911 too, so I thought it best not to impose on them since they already have calls in about it. A1 also informed me that apparently there has been some prostitution activity on our corner. Great…I thought we were south of the ghetto but apparently not. A1 also said that this is the 2nd gunshot she’s heard in a month. Not good.

Need to vent…people who call at 9pm and expect a call back for a room reservation for the next day and then call at 8:23, and again at 9:11 and again at 9:15 and again at 9:20 because no one has called them back yet…omigoodness whatever shall they do, anyway…these people need to be smacked. Grrrr

Have you ever wondered what it would be liked to be slapped silly? Is that even possibly to be slapped so much that you just become silly?

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