04 September 2005


The crazy thunderstorm this morning was so appropriate on so many levels. One score, minus 9 years ago, the rain was pouring down just as it was this morning – a youthful heart seeing it as God’s tears for the loss of his servant, but knowing it doesn’t quite work that way. The fresh water cleansing the earth mixed with salty tears from the faces of those in mourning over the loss of such a young and loved man. Today it does the same…water washes over the faces of those mourning RW and those who ache for the victims of Katrina.

One of the students here just walked by singing his standard song (often he walks by singing this tune), “There is a balm in Gilead…to make the wounded whole…” Is there? Really? Wouldn’t it be great if there was a balm, a cream, an over-the-counter-cure that we could use to make the wounded whole? All those in the southern part of the states, those here hurting and in anguish, those in Iraq/Afghanistan/Israel/etc who live in suffering every day…how incredible it would be to have a miracle cream to take it all away.

But we don’t…and on a basic level, that really sucks. Reality bites, or so the movie stated. We are left to rely on the one stable thing in our world but relying on Him takes a great amount of faith, and at times of struggle, sadness and anguish it can be difficult. Those of us who have it ‘good’ need to stand up, realize the gift we have not only in material possessions but life itself and call on Him, ourselves and others to help those in need. Thanks to suburban bliss for helping me realize my blessings. I can't believe it took me this long to own up to it.

1 comment:

kendi said...

as troy said in reality bites, "welcome to the winter of our discontent." but, don't forget, it's troy in his suit, mourning the loss of his father, that shows up to finally take ownership of his love for lelaina. meaning...i'm not sure, but definitely showing that there's more to troy than the winter of discontent. and there's more to our reality than just dealing. somewhere, along the way, we get a taste of balm, even if it's rum and diet cokes with friends. or bread and wine. hopefully, it's enough to sustain us until dad gets home and it's time for supper.